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Bill Gates Biography (Co-founder of Microsoft)

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates Biography:

Birthday: 28th October, 1955

Father’s name: William Henry Gates Sr

Mother’s name: Mary Maxwell Gates

Spouse(s): Melinda French

Born In: Seattle, Washington

Nationality: American


William Henry Gates is a famous businessman, Bill Gates. He is the founder of Microsoft Corporation and the chairman and CEO of Microsoft. His name is first on the list of the best businessmen in the world. In 1975, he and Paul Allen had launched Microsoft together. It is the world's largest software company.

Childhood Life:

William Henry Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955 to a noble family. His father's name was William Henry Gates Sr. who was a lawyer by profession. His mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, was on the board of directors of Bancsystem, a United Way of America's first interstate. Bill Gates was the second child of his parents. He has two more sisters. His older sister was Kriste in and younger sister was Libby. 

Student Life:

He initially attended Lakeside School in Seattle, and graduated from there. He then dropped out during 1975 while studying at Harvard University. He was an expert in Mathematics and English.

Married Life:

On 1st January 1994 , Bill Gates married Melinda French after their long lasting love relationship. They have three children. Their older daughter, Jennifer Gates, who is now studying medical science from Stanford University, their son Rory Gates is a college student, who is twenty years old and their younger daughter, Phoebe Gates,is a schoolgirl.


Career and Working Life:

His father wanted him to become a lawyer like him. But from an early age, Bill Gates' favorite subject was computer software. By the time he finished college on the eve of his will, he dropped college in 1975, and that year, with the help of Paul Allen, Microsoft was discovered. On November 26, 1976, the software Microsoft launched. Since its launch, its popularity has grown so much that nearly ninety percent of software users are using Microsoft. 

On July 1980, IBM Company approached Microsoft for their new upcoming PC. From this company, it was first said that Microsoft wrote the Basic Interpreter and also mentioned that they needed an operating system that Bill Gates referred to in their first edition. But a few days later, Bill Gates and his friend Paul suggest IBM company that the same operating system as CP/M is the 86-DOS that made SCP's Tim Patterson for hardware to use. After that, Bill Gates contracted with the SCP and later took over full ownership of it. MS-DOS's sales boosted Microsoft's market. He was then president and chairman of Microsoft Company. In 1985, Microsoft has launched a first retail version of Microsoft Windows. This new version was successfully developed by two companies. 

In accordance of Bloomberg billionaires index, Bill Gates topped in the list of the highest grossing billionaires in the world. He went on to express his own opinion about super-intelligent Potential Harms, “First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not to be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage it well. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don’t understand why some people are not concerned”.

Social works and Donations:

Bill Gates has donated a large amount of money to help those in society who could not afford to live, sell their brick houses at half price, and donated to two institutes to improve their education. His name is a computer lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he donates money every year. He donated almost all of the money needed to build a computer lab at Harvard's John A. Paulson Engineering and Applied Science School.


  • 1987 – In 1987 Bill Gates was listed as a billionaire in Forbes Magazine’s 400 Richest People in America.
  • 1998 – He was named an Honorary Member of the American Library Association. 
  • 1999 – He was listed in Sunday Times power list and named CEO of the year and also elected a member of the US National Academy of Engineering in 1996. 2002 – In this year Bill Gates received the ‘Jefferson Award’ for greatest public service benefiting the disadvantaged.
  • 2005 – He was made an Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the Aztec Eagle. 
  • 2007 – He is also made an Honorary trustee of Peking University.
  • 2010 – He was honoured with the Silver Buffalo Award by the Boy Scouts of America.
  • 2010 – Bill Gates received the Bower Award for Business Leadership from The Franklin Institute for his achievements at Microsoft. 
  • 2012 – He was ranked as the fourth Most Powerful Person in the World. 
  • 2015 – He was received along with his wife Melinda the Padma Bhusan Award from India’s third highest civilian award for his social work in the country.
  • 2016 – Barak Obama honoured Bill Gates and his wife with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their philanthropic efforts.
  • 2017 – He was elected a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 


Although Bill Gates was the richest man on earth, he is also a generous man. His generous attitude has been identified in various fields. He has spent enough money for distressed people, and in addition he has donated to create computer labs in various schools so that all the students can get special training on computer right from their school and improve the young people in this internet world. So it can be easily said that he is a great personality despite being rich, and his actions are clearly evident.
